Care Giving

Parish Nurse
The Parish Nurse assists in providing and offering services as an expression of the Love of God for all people. The Parish Nurse

• Plans and organizes a parish nurse program for the congregation with the help from the Rocky Mountain Synod Health Ministry Council
• Provides information on various health related topics, provides support and referrals as needed
• Visits the sick and homebound members of the congregation
• Assists the Pastor in a leadership role with the Eucharistic team
• Visits the shut-in and hospital-bound to deliver flowers, bulletins, recordings of sermons, listens to concerns; provides information and support to care providers
• Goes with Pastor and/or Director of Lay Ministry to provide prayer shawls
• Provides health screenings of blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation on the first Sunday of each month; answers questions and provides information

If you would like to learn more about the services provided by the Parish Nurse, please call the church office at 564-7360