Church Council
Our church council provides leadership, support and guidance to the congregation and the many ministries we support and in which we participate.
The council consists of officers;
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
In addition to the officers, each area of ministry within the church also has a liaison/ representative on the council.
- Evangelism
- Fellowship
- Learning and Education
- Personnel
- Mutual ministry
- Property and Grounds
- Social Ministry
- Stewardship and Financial
- Youth
- Youth liaison (a current youth member)
- Worship and Music
- Financial Secretary
- Memorials
If you would like information on any specific position or more information in general about the council and how it functions please call the church office at 719-564-7360.
Church Council Committees – Descriptions
A Mutual Ministry Committee shall be appointed by the president and pastor, whose purpose it shall be to strengthen and affirm the mission of the congregation and the ministry of the pastoral staff. The committee shall serve as a liaison between the congregation and the pastoral staff. The committee shall also be responsible for conducting the annual review and affirmation of the pastoral staff and planning continuing education that will benefit both the mission of the congregation and the ministry of the staff. These goals shall be met through careful listening and clarifying, sharing and communicating, praying and caring, communicating, praying and caring, communicating, and reviewing and reflecting on vision for ministry, in a confidential manner. This committee shall be appointed promptly after the semi-annual congregation meeting in May. Term of office shall be two years, three members to be appointed each successive year. Members are eligible for re-election.
There shall be a Worship and Music Committee whose purpose it shall be to assist the pastor(s) and Congregation Council to assure that services of worship are held on a regular basis in accordance with the liturgy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and that the gospel of Word and Sacrament is proclaimed; and effectively train all worship participants and those who prepare the altar for the celebration of Word and Sacrament.
There shall be a Learning Committee whose purpose it shall be to provide a lifelong program of Christian education that will promote learning the Scriptures, the Lutheran faith, and daily living of the Christian faith for all age groups within the congregation. This committee shall encourage the use of curriculum materials published by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
There shall be a Social Ministry Committee whose purpose it shall be to provide opportunities of Christian ministry to the ill, the aged, the orphaned, the underprivileged, the imprisoned, and in general to all persons in need of healing of body or soul in Pueblo and the global community. This committee shall also endeavor to involve as many members and organizations of the congregation in this ministry.
There shall be an Evangelism Committee whose purpose it shall be to raise up the gospel of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world; to encourage and stimulate all members to witness to all people who are not members of the Body of Christ; and to support the faith development of members.
There shall be a Stewardship Committee, of which the Financial Secretary shall be an ex-officio member, whose purpose it shall be to provide an ongoing, year-round program of stewardship education and stimulation; to invite all members to give proportionately in the financial support of the congregation, the Rocky Mountain Synod, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; to encourage and facilitate planned giving; and to challenge the congregation in sharing their time and talents in support of the church=s ministry.
There shall be a Property Committee whose purpose it shall be to provide for the maintenance and improvement of all the buildings, grounds, equipment, and other contents of the congregation; to provide the equipment and materials necessary and helpful for this congregation to carry out its mission and ministry; to provide for the scheduled maintenance and replacement of property and equipment. This committee shall have input into the annual evaluation of maintenance and custodial staff.
There shall be a Youth Committee whose purpose it shall be to provide ministry to, with, and of the youth of this congregation, so that they may grow in faith and in their understanding of themselves as members of the congregation; and strive for the involvement of young people in all aspects of the congregation=s ministry. This committee shall work with any appointed or salaried youth staff, who shall also be members of this committee.
There shall be a Memorial Committee whose purpose it shall be to recommend to the Congregation Council how Memorial Funds received by this congregation should be spent based on the needs of the congregation, the amount of funds available, and recommendation of donors or family of person memorialized.
There shall be a Fellowship Committee whose purpose it shall be to provide opportunities for the congregation to gather for social, spiritual, and education purposes which also enable the congregation to become better acquainted. This committee shall also provide for receptions, dinners, etc., that relate to special events in the ministry of the congregation.
There shall be a Long Range Planning Committee whose purpose it shall be to provide a vision for the future ministry of this congregation, which includes analyzing and evaluating present building and grounds to meet the needs of the future.
There shall be a Personnel Committee whose purpose it shall be to prepare performance appraisals of all salaried employees of this congregation, with the exception of the pastor(s), at least annually and preside over any personnel problems. Salaried and contract employees, who are members of this congregation, shall not be members of this committee.
There shall be a Finance Committee, of which the Treasure and Financial Secretary shall be ex-officio members, whose purpose it shall be to provide for responsible management of all financial assets of this congregation, to prepare an annual budget reflecting realistic anticipated receipts and expenditures that support this congregation’s ministries and includes a fair apportionment in support of the ministries of the Rocky Mountain Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; and to strengthen the financial position of the congregation through all appropriate means.